Relieve your back pain – Evidence Based Programme

Contact Annie for the next course or Alison if you would like to train to deliver this amazing course

The largest scientific study of yoga to date has now proven that a course of specially designed yoga classes can improve back health. This evidence based, therapeutic programme – Yoga for Healthy Lower Back’ – is a safe and effective way to improve back health and function.  It may be used by beginner and experienced Yoga practitioners, to help relieve or prevent chronic, episodic and recurring low back pain.  It is also an excellent way to learn skills that promote mental and physical health generally.  With 12 classes, a book, home practice handouts and a relaxation CD, it is designed to be a ‘one-off’ specialist course, that aims to provide all you need to develop and maintain back health for life.  Taking the Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs course will give you all the tools you need to look after your back for the rest of your life. The course is ideal for everyone who experiences back pain, but not in the initial active inflammatory stage (ask your doctor about this if you are unsure). This YHLB course is specially designed for people who are in pain, and as such, classes are gentle and pleasantly relaxing.

“Our research showed that the yoga in our programme improved back function (disability) self-efficacy, and decreased back pain and depression immediately after the yoga course had finished, but that these beneficial effects were maintained both at 6 months and also at 12 months.  So, yoga does not just work when one is being taught in class, but the effects last.”   07722868397